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United on the ban against HFC's

On Saturday, a new deal to tackle global warming was just made against HFC’s (hydrofluorocarbons). This man-made chemical is not used as much as other chemicals in comparison, but can be more harmful than carbon dioxide.


Hydrofluorocarbons have been seen increasingly more in the last 10 years in the refrigeration sector as a replacement of CFC’s (chlorofluorcarbon). Their efficiency and cost effective nature allows them to exist in the global market, but eliminating it to reduce its greenhouse impact is best.


Over 180 countries on Saturday came to a mutual agreement at the Montreal Protocol in Kigali, Rwanda. This treaty was first created in 1989 to look after the ozone layer via responsible decisions on substances we use everyday.


Phasing out this gas requires a long-term plan to ensure its efficiency.

US and EU have to stop production by 2018. The rest of the world by 2024
The world’s warmest countries have until 2028 which in turn should reduce the total world consumption by 80 millions metric tons of CO2 being released.

John Kerry backs the deal along with many others as “the world came together in yet another milestone on the path toward a safer, more sustainable future”.

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